Name Estimated Birth Year Birthplace Residence
Mary Keough abt 1801 Ireland Ashton Under Lyne, Lancashire
Eliza Krogh  abt 1803   Ballingdon, Essex
Edward Krogh  abt 1805   Ballingdon, Essex
Edward Krogh  abt 1828 Essex, England Ballingdon, Essex
Alfred Krogh  abt 1829 Essex, England Ballingdon, Essex
Susan Krogh  abt 1830 Essex, England Ballingdon, Essex
Eliza Krogh  abt 1832 Essex, England Ballingdon, Essex
Charles Krogh  abt 1834 Essex, England Ballingdon, Essex
Maria Krogh  abt 1838 Essex, England Ballingdon, Essex
William Kehoe abt 1801 Ireland Birkenhead, Cheshire
Margaret Kehoe abt 1806 Cheshire, England Birkenhead, Cheshire
Patrick Keough abt 1816 Ireland Birkenhead, Cheshire
Hannah Keough abt 1821   Birkenhead, Cheshire
John Kehoe abt 1838 Cheshire, England Birkenhead, Cheshire
James Kehoe abt 1840 Cheshire, England Birkenhead, Cheshire
N K Keough abt 1821 England Bishops Cannings, Wiltshire
Margaret Rehal  abt 1806 Ireland Brighthelmstone, Sussex
Michael Rehal  abt 1806 T Brighthelmstone, Sussex
Elizabeth Rehal  abt 1831   Brighthelmstone, Sussex
Maria Rehal  abt 1832   Brighthelmstone, Sussex
Luthe Rehal  abt 1834 Sussex, England Brighthelmstone, Sussex
Michael Rehal  abt 1836 Sussex, England Brighthelmstone, Sussex
Margaret Rehal  abt 1838 Sussex, England Brighthelmstone, Sussex
John Rehal  abt 1839 Sussex, England Brighthelmstone, Sussex
George Rehal  abt 1840 Sussex, England Brighthelmstone, Sussex
James Kehoe abt 1796 Ireland Childwall, Lancashire
Judith Kehoe abt 1801 Ireland Childwall, Lancashire
Margt Kehoe abt 1829 Lancashire, England Childwall, Lancashire
John Kehoe abt 1831 Lancashire, England Childwall, Lancashire
Dennis Kehoe abt 1836 Lancashire, England Childwall, Lancashire
Ann Kemp  abt 1801   Craike, Durham
Thomas Kemp  abt 1801   Craike, Durham
Thomas Kemp  abt 1831 Durham, England Craike, Durham
James Kehoe abt 1822 Ireland Drypool, Yorkshire
James Keough abt 1821 Somerset, England Evercreech, Somerset
John McKeough abt 1830 Kent, England Greenwich, Kent
John McKeough abt 1816 Ireland Hales Owen, Shropshire
Sarah Keogh abt 1801 Norfolk, England Heigham, Norfolk
George Keogh abt 1811   Kings Norton, Worcestershire
Jane Keogh abt 1821   Kings Norton, Worcestershire
Omer Kehoe abt 1816 Ireland Lancaster, Lancashire
Denis Keogh abt 1811 Ireland Leamington Priors, Warwickshire
Mary Keogh abt 1816   Leamington Priors, Warwickshire
Edward Keogh abt 1839 Warwickshire, England Leamington Priors, Warwickshire
Fredric Keogh abt 1840 Warwickshire, England Leamington Priors, Warwickshire
Thomas Keough abt 1791 Ireland Leeds Town, Yorkshire
Barnaby Keough abt 1796 Ireland Leeds Town, Yorkshire
Dennie Keogh abt 1796 Ireland Leeds Town, Yorkshire
B?? Keogh abt 1806 Ireland Leeds Town, Yorkshire
James Keough abt 1821 Ireland Leeds Town, Yorkshire
John Keough abt 1823 Ireland Leeds Town, Yorkshire
Keogh abt 1832 Ireland Leeds Town, Yorkshire
John Keogh abt 1835 Ireland Leeds Town, Yorkshire
Dennis Keogh abt 1838 Ireland Leeds Town, Yorkshire
Patrick Keogh abt 1781 Ireland Liverpool, Lancashire
Catherine Kehoe abt 1791 Ireland Liverpool, Lancashire
Daniel Kehoe abt 1791 Ireland Liverpool, Lancashire
Margaret Keogh abt 1791 Ireland Liverpool, Lancashire
Mary Keough abt 1791 Ireland Liverpool, Lancashire
Michael Kehoe abt 1792 Ireland Liverpool, Lancashire
Margaret Keogh abt 1796 Ireland Liverpool, Lancashire
Michael Keough abt 1796 Ireland Liverpool, Lancashire
Saml Keogh abt 1797 Ireland Liverpool, Lancashire
Thomas Keogh abt 1800 Ireland Liverpool, Lancashire
Alice Kehoe abt 1801 Ireland Liverpool, Lancashire
Daniel Keough abt 1801 Ireland Liverpool, Lancashire
Elizth Keogh abt 1801 Ireland Liverpool, Lancashire
Mary Keough abt 1801 Ireland Liverpool, Lancashire
William Kehoe abt 1801 Ireland Liverpool, Lancashire
Edward Wr Kehoe abt 1805 Ireland Liverpool, Lancashire
Anne Keough abt 1806 Ireland Liverpool, Lancashire
Bridget Kehoe abt 1806 Ireland Liverpool, Lancashire
James Kahoe  abt 1806 Ireland Liverpool, Lancashire
John Kehoe abt 1806 Ireland Liverpool, Lancashire
John Keough abt 1806 Ireland Liverpool, Lancashire
Simon Kehoe abt 1806 Ireland Liverpool, Lancashire
Bridget Kehoe abt 1811 Ireland Liverpool, Lancashire
Bridget Keogh abt 1811 Ireland Liverpool, Lancashire
Duke Kehoe  abt 1811 Ireland Liverpool, Lancashire
Elizabeth Kehoe abt 1811 Ireland Liverpool, Lancashire
Elizabeth Kehoe abt 1811 Lancashire, England Liverpool, Lancashire
Elizabeth Keogh abt 1811 Ireland Liverpool, Lancashire
James Kehoe abt 1811 Ireland Liverpool, Lancashire
Jas Kehoe abt 1811 Ireland Liverpool, Lancashire
John Keogh abt 1811 Ireland Liverpool, Lancashire
Margret Keough abt 1811 Ireland Liverpool, Lancashire
Margt Kehoe  abt 1811 Ireland Liverpool, Lancashire
Martin Keogh abt 1811 Ireland Liverpool, Lancashire
Mary Kehoe abt 1811 Ireland Liverpool, Lancashire
Ellenor Kehoe abt 1813 Ireland Liverpool, Lancashire
Margret Kehoe abt 1813 Ireland Liverpool, Lancashire
Johanna Kehoe abt 1816 Ireland Liverpool, Lancashire
John Kehoe abt 1816 Ireland Liverpool, Lancashire
Michael Kehoe abt 1816 Ireland Liverpool, Lancashire
Jane Keough abt 1819   Liverpool, Lancashire
Edward Keough abt 1821 Ireland Liverpool, Lancashire
John Keogh abt 1821 Ireland Liverpool, Lancashire
John Keogh abt 1821 Lancashire, England Liverpool, Lancashire
Mary Kehoe abt 1821 Ireland Liverpool, Lancashire
Sarah Kehoe abt 1821 Ireland Liverpool, Lancashire
Dennis Keough abt 1823 Ireland Liverpool, Lancashire
Ped Kehoe  abt 1824 Lancashire, England Liverpool, Lancashire
Catherine Keogh abt 1826 Ireland Liverpool, Lancashire
Jane Keough abt 1826 Ireland Liverpool, Lancashire
L Keough abt 1826 Ireland Liverpool, Lancashire
Mary Keough abt 1826 Ireland Liverpool, Lancashire
Patrick Keough abt 1826 Ireland Liverpool, Lancashire
Patrick Keough abt 1826 Ireland Liverpool, Lancashire
Thos Keogh abt 1826 Lancashire, England Liverpool, Lancashire
Elizabeth Kehoe abt 1827 Lancashire, England Liverpool, Lancashire
John Keough abt 1827 Ireland Liverpool, Lancashire
Mary Kehoe abt 1827 Lancashire, England Liverpool, Lancashire
Thomas Kehoe abt 1827 Ireland Liverpool, Lancashire
Margt Keogh abt 1828 Lancashire, England Liverpool, Lancashire
Ann Keough abt 1829 Ireland Liverpool, Lancashire
Elizabeth Keough abt 1830 Ireland Liverpool, Lancashire
James Keogh abt 1830 Lancashire, England Liverpool, Lancashire
Mary Keogh abt 1830 Lancashire, England Liverpool, Lancashire
Briget Keough abt 1831 Ireland Liverpool, Lancashire
Margret Keough abt 1831 Ireland Liverpool, Lancashire
Mary Kehoe abt 1831 Ireland Liverpool, Lancashire
Mary Kehoe abt 1831 Lancashire, England Liverpool, Lancashire
Mary Keough abt 1831 Ireland Liverpool, Lancashire
Nancy Kehoe abt 1831 Lancashire, England Liverpool, Lancashire
Wm Keough abt 1831 Ireland Liverpool, Lancashire
Ann Kehoe abt 1832 Lancashire, England Liverpool, Lancashire
Nimfy Keough abt 1832 Ireland Liverpool, Lancashire
Anne Keogh abt 1833 Ireland Liverpool, Lancashire
James Kehoe abt 1833 Lancashire, England Liverpool, Lancashire
John Keough abt 1834 Ireland Liverpool, Lancashire
May Ann Kehoe abt 1834 Lancashire, England Liverpool, Lancashire
Michael Keogh abt 1834 Lancashire, England Liverpool, Lancashire
Thomas Keough abt 1834 Ireland Liverpool, Lancashire
James Keogh abt 1835 Ireland Liverpool, Lancashire
Mary Keough abt 1835 Ireland Liverpool, Lancashire
Patrick Keough abt 1835 Ireland Liverpool, Lancashire
Catherine Kehoe abt 1836 Lancashire, England Liverpool, Lancashire
Michael Keough abt 1836 Ireland Liverpool, Lancashire
Patrick Kehoe abt 1836 Lancashire, England Liverpool, Lancashire
Peter Kehoe abt 1836 Lancashire, England Liverpool, Lancashire
Joseph Keogh abt 1837 Lancashire, England Liverpool, Lancashire
Peter Keough abt 1837 Ireland Liverpool, Lancashire
Elizabeth Kehoe abt 1838 Ireland Liverpool, Lancashire
Joanha Kehoe abt 1838 Lancashire, England Liverpool, Lancashire
Thomas Kehoe abt 1838 Lancashire, England Liverpool, Lancashire
Thos Keough abt 1838 Ireland Liverpool, Lancashire
Alice Kehoe abt 1839 Lancashire, England Liverpool, Lancashire
Joseph Kehoe abt 1839 Lancashire, England Liverpool, Lancashire
Michl Kehoe abt 1839 Ireland Liverpool, Lancashire
Moses Kehoe abt 1839 Lancashire, England Liverpool, Lancashire
Mary Keogh abt 1840 Lancashire, England Liverpool, Lancashire
Miles Kehoe abt 1840 Lancashire, England Liverpool, Lancashire
Patrick Keogh abt 1840 Ireland Liverpool, Lancashire
Timothy Kehoe abt 1840 Ireland Liverpool, Lancashire
James Keough abt 1841 Ireland Liverpool, Lancashire
Margret Kehoe abt 1841 Lancashire, England Liverpool, Lancashire
Maria Keough abt 1841 Lancashire, England Liverpool, Lancashire
Michael Keogh abt 1771 Ireland Manchester, Lancashire
Caths Keough abt 1788 Ireland Manchester, Lancashire
Ander Keough abt 1801 Ireland Manchester, Lancashire
Mary Kehoe abt 1801 Ireland Manchester, Lancashire
Ann Kehoe abt 1806 Ireland Manchester, Lancashire
Michael Kehoe abt 1806 Ireland Manchester, Lancashire
Sarah Keogh abt 1806 Ireland Manchester, Lancashire
Philip Keogh abt 1811 Ireland Manchester, Lancashire
John Keough abt 1816 Ireland Manchester, Lancashire
Judith Keough abt 1821 Ireland Manchester, Lancashire
Rosanah Keogh abt 1821 Ireland Manchester, Lancashire
Lawrence Keough abt 1824 Lancashire, England Manchester, Lancashire
Catherine Keough abt 1826 Ireland Manchester, Lancashire
Mary Keogh abt 1826 Ireland Manchester, Lancashire
Cathl Keough abt 1829 Lancashire, England Manchester, Lancashire
Mary Keough abt 1831 Lancashire, England Manchester, Lancashire
Maria Keough abt 1791   Mere, Wiltshire
John Keogh 1st abt 1806 Ireland New Windsor, Berkshire
John Keogh 2nd abt 1821 Ireland New Windsor, Berkshire
Thomas Keogh abt 1821 Ireland New Windsor, Berkshire
Nancy Keough abt 1781 Ireland Newton, Cheshire
Patrick Keough abt 1806 Ireland Newton, Cheshire
Betty Keough abt 1808 Cheshire, England Newton, Cheshire
Elisa Keough abt 1821 Ireland Newton, Cheshire
Ann Keough abt 1829   Newton, Cheshire
Lawrence Keough abt 1831 Cheshire, England Newton, Cheshire
Elisa Keough abt 1837 Cheshire, England Newton, Cheshire
Charlotte Keough abt 1839 Cheshire, England Newton, Cheshire
John Keough abt 1840 Cheshire, England Newton, Cheshire
James Kehoe abt 1821   Portsmouth Town, Hampshire
John Keough abt 1816 Ireland Prescot, Lancashire
Margret Keough abt 1816 Ireland Prescot, Lancashire
Patrick Keough abt 1836 Lancashire, England Prescot, Lancashire
John Kayhoe  abt 1801 Ireland Runcorn, Cheshire
Ann Kayhoe  abt 1811 Ireland Runcorn, Cheshire
Bridget Kayhoe  abt 1831   Runcorn, Cheshire
John Kayhoe  abt 1833 Cheshire, England Runcorn, Cheshire
Helen Kayhoe  abt 1836 Cheshire, England Runcorn, Cheshire
James Kayhoe  abt 1836 Cheshire, England Runcorn, Cheshire
Mathew Kayhoe  abt 1839 Cheshire, England Runcorn, Cheshire
John Keogh abt 1811 Lancashire, England Salford, Lancashire
Sarah Keough abt 1821 Ireland Sephton, Lancashire
John Keough abt 1811 Ireland St Andrew, Devon
Mary Keough abt 1816 Middlesex, England St Anne and St Agnes Aldersgate, Middlesex
Bridget Keogh abt 1791 Ireland St Anne Soho, Middlesex
John Keogh abt 1793 Ireland St Anne Soho, Middlesex
John Keogh abt 1821 Ireland St Anne Soho, Middlesex
Michael Keogh abt 1826 Middlesex, England St Anne Soho, Middlesex
Thomas Keogh abt 1831 Middlesex, England St Anne Soho, Middlesex
Richard Kehoe abt 1801 Ireland St Botolph Without Bishopsgate, Middlesex
Frances Kehoe abt 1816 Middlesex, England St Botolph Without Bishopsgate, Middlesex
Alice Kehoe abt 1836 Middlesex, England St Botolph Without Bishopsgate, Middlesex
Jane Kehoe abt 1837 Middlesex, England St Botolph Without Bishopsgate, Middlesex
Elizabeth Kehoe abt 1839 Middlesex, England St Botolph Without Bishopsgate, Middlesex
Frances Kehoe abt 1841 Middlesex, England St Botolph Without Bishopsgate, Middlesex
Lawrence Keough abt 1796   St Bride and Precinct, Middlesex
Henry Keogh abt 1820   St George Hanover Square, Middlesex
Thomas Krough  abt 1811 Ireland St George The Martyr, Surrey
Ellen Keogh abt 1821 Ireland St Giles in The Fields, Middlesex
Michel Keogh abt 1821 Ireland St Giles in The Fields, Middlesex
Thos Keough abt 1821 Middlesex, England St Giles in The Fields, Middlesex
James Keough abt 1824 Middlesex, England St Giles in The Fields, Middlesex
Anne Keogh abt 1834 Middlesex, England St Giles in The Fields, Middlesex
Shan Keogh abt 1837 Middlesex, England St Giles in The Fields, Middlesex
Sarah Keogh abt 1839 Middlesex, England St Giles in The Fields, Middlesex
Margrett Keogh abt 1841 Middlesex, England St Giles in The Fields, Middlesex
John Keogh abt 1816 Ireland St Giles Without Cripplegate, Middlesex
Thomas Keogh abt 1801 Ireland St James, Middlesex
Thos Keogh abt 1804 Ireland St John Hampstead, Middlesex
Timothy Keough abt 1796 Ireland St John Horsleydown, Surrey
Frances Keough abt 1801 Surrey, England St John Horsleydown, Surrey
Henrietta Keough abt 1801 Surrey, England St John Horsleydown, Surrey
James Keough abt 1801 Surrey, England St John Horsleydown, Surrey
Peter Keough abt 1826 Surrey, England St John Horsleydown, Surrey
Ting Keough abt 1832 Surrey, England St John Horsleydown, Surrey
Frances Keough abt 1838 Surrey, England St John Horsleydown, Surrey
Wm Keough abt 1840 Surrey, England St John Horsleydown, Surrey
Patrick Keough abt 1781 Ireland St John Wapping, Middlesex
Ann Keogh abt 1829 Staffordshire, England St Mary and St Chad, Staffordshire
George Keogh abt 1831 Staffordshire, England St Mary and St Chad, Staffordshire
William Keogh abt 1835 Staffordshire, England St Mary and St Chad, Staffordshire
Ellen Keough abt 1806 Surrey, England St Mary Magdalen Bermondsey, Surrey
Mathew Keough abt 1831 Surrey, England St Mary Magdalen Bermondsey, Surrey
Ellen Keough abt 1841 Surrey, England St Mary Magdalen Bermondsey, Surrey
Katherine Keogh abt 1816 Ireland St Mary Whitechapel,
Margaret Keogh abt 1840 Middlesex, England St Mary Whitechapel, Middlesex
George Keogh abt 1783 Ireland St Marylebone, Middlesex
Catherin Keogh abt 1806 Ireland St Marylebone, Middlesex
Emma Keough abt 1826 Middlesex, England St Marylebone, Middlesex
Frances Keogh abt 1830   St Marylebone, Middlesex
Mary Keogh abt 1830   St Marylebone, Middlesex
Edward Keogh abt 1832   St Marylebone, Middlesex
Sophia Keogh abt 1832   St Marylebone, Middlesex
Agnes Keogh abt 1836 Middlesex, England St Marylebone, Middlesex
Harriott Keogh abt 1837 Middlesex, England St Marylebone, Middlesex
Ann Keough abt 1796 Scotland St Michael, Hampshire
Mary Ann Keough abt 1826 Hampshire, England St Michael, Hampshire
William Keough abt 1828 Hampshire, England St Michael, Hampshire
James Keough abt 1831 Hampshire, England St Michael, Hampshire
Ellen Keough abt 1806 Ireland St Michael, Somerset
John Keough abt 1826 Somerset, England St Michael, Somerset
Ellen Keough abt 1832 Somerset, England St Michael, Somerset
Daniel Kehoe abt 1816 Ireland St Nicholas in Newport, Lincolnshire
Mary Keogh abt 1821 Ireland St Pancras, Middlesex
Timothy Keogh abt 1821 Ireland St Pancras, Middlesex
Hannah Kehoe abt 1816 Cheshire, England Stockport, Cheshire
Thomas Kehoe abt 1821 Ireland Stockport, Cheshire
William Keogh abt 1826 Ireland Stockport, Cheshire
Allen Kehoe abt 1834 Cheshire, England Stockport, Cheshire
Anne Kehoe abt 1838   Stockport, Cheshire
Elizabeth Kehoe abt 1841 Cheshire, England Stockport, Cheshire
John Krough  abt 1831 Durham, England Stockton Upon Tees, Durham
Elisabeth Krough  abt 1836 Durham, England Stockton Upon Tees, Durham
John Keogh abt 1801 Scotland Stoke Damerell, Devon
Ellen Keogh abt 1811 Scotland Stoke Damerell, Devon
Charles Keough abt 1821 Ireland Stoke Damerell, Devon
Thomas Keogh abt 1835 Devon, England Stoke Damerell, Devon
Ann Keogh abt 1811 Worcestershire, England Tardebigg, Worcestershire
Robert Keogh abt 1811 Ireland Tardebigg, Worcestershire
Thomas Keogh abt 1816 Ireland Tardebigg, Worcestershire
William Keogh abt 1821 Ireland Tardebigg, Worcestershire
William Keogh abt 1838 Worcestershire, England Tardebigg, Worcestershire
George Keogh abt 1841 Worcestershire, England Tardebigg, Worcestershire
Sarah Keough abt 1811 Cheshire, England Tarporley, Cheshire
William Keough abt 1826 Cheshire, England Tarporley, Cheshire
John Keough abt 1834 Cheshire, England Tarporley, Cheshire
Ann Keough abt 1836 Cheshire, England Tarporley, Cheshire
George Keough abt 1841 Cheshire, England Tarporley, Cheshire
Alexander Keogh abt 1821   Walcot, Somerset
Lawrence Keogh abt 1789 Ireland Wallasey, Cheshire
Isabella Keogh abt 1820 Ireland Wallasey, Cheshire
Sarah Keogh abt 1824 Ireland Wallasey, Cheshire
Lawrence Keogh abt 1828   Wallasey, Cheshire
Bridget Keogh abt 1801 Scotland Walton On The Hill, Lancashire
Mary Keogh abt 1801 Ireland Walton On The Hill, Lancashire
Catharine Keogh abt 1805 Ireland Walton On The Hill, Lancashire
Martin Kehoe abt 1816 Ireland Walton On The Hill, Lancashire
William Keogh abt 1829 Lancashire, England Walton On The Hill, Lancashire
Nelsille Keogh abt 1833 Lancashire, England Walton On The Hill, Lancashire
Frederick Keogh abt 1835 Lancashire, England Walton On The Hill, Lancashire
Cathne Keough abt 1816 Ireland Warrington, Lancashire
James Keough abt 1840 Ireland Warrington, Lancashire
Barnard Keogh abt 1811 Ireland Whalley, Lancashire
Thomas Keogh abt 1821 Ireland Whalley, Lancashire